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The NAEP 1998 Reading Report Card: National & State Highlights
ED 1.302:R 22/16

NASA Thesaurus
NAS 1.21:

A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform: A Report to the Nation and the Secretary of Education, United States Department of Education
ED 1.2:N 21

National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report
EP 4.22/2:

National Atlas of the United States
I 19.111/A:

National Compensation Survey
L 2.122/26:G 81 F

National Debate Topics for High Schools
Y 1.1/3:

National Education Goals Report
ED 1.1/3:

National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS)
EP 1.2:EX 7/4

National Handbook of Conservation Practices
A 57.6/2:C 76/2/

National Money Laundering Strategy for 2000
T 1.2:M 74/2

National Park Service Statistical Abstract
I 29.114:

A National Study of Charter Schools: Executive Summary
ED 1.302:C 38/998/EXEC.SUM.

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation
I 49.98/4:

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
C 51.

National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers
PREX 9.10:

National Transportation Statistics
TD 12.1/2:

National Water Quality Inventory: Report to Congress
EP 2.17/2:

The Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey
TD 1.56:N 21/

Natural Disaster Reference Database

New Publications / Rocky Mountain Research Station
A 13.151/2-2:

North American Free Trade Agreement
PREX 1.2:T 67/V.1-5/993-2/

North American Industry Classification System: United States, 1997
PREX 2.6/2:IN 27/997/