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Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide
C 60.2:N 38/3/999

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security
SSA 1.26:

FATUS: Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States
A 93.17/7:

FDA Consumer
HE 20.4010:

FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile
Y 3.F 31/8:29/

Federal Acquisition Regulation
GS 1.6/10:

Federal Aid to States for Fiscal Years
C 3.2:AI 2

Federal Death Penalty Cases: Recommendations Concerning the Cost and Quality of Defense Representation
JU 10.2:99023301

Federal Depository Library Directory
GP 3.36/2-2:

Federal Historic Preservation Case Law, 1966-1996: Thirty Years of the National Historic Preservation Act
Y 3.H 62:2 F 31/2

Federal Judicial Caseload: A Five-Year Retrospective
JU 10.2:99022844

Federal Register
AE 2.106:

Federal Tax Forms
T 22.51/4:

Fertility of American Women
C 3.186/10:

Findings of Fact: United States of America v. Microsoft Corporation, C.A. 98-1232
JU 4.2:M 58

Fishery Bulletin
C 55.313:

FLITE: Federal Legal Information Through Electronics
D 302

Food Code: Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration
HE 20.4002:F 73/27/

A 93.16/3:

Forced Labor: The Prostitution of Children
L 29.2:C 43

Foreign Relations of the United States
S 1.1:

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Foreign Travels of the Secretary of State, 1866-1997
S 1.2:Se 2/9

Foreign-Born Population
C 3.186:P-20/

Funding Your Education
ED 1.2:F 96/3/

Futures and Options: What You Should Know Before You Trade
Y 3.C 73/5:297030167

Futurework: Trends and Challenges for Work in the 21st Century
L 1.2:F 98/3