Space Technology Applications for Natural Disaster Mitigation 1998. Proceedings of the Second United Nations and JUSTAP Joint Symposium on Space Technology Applications for Natural Disaster, 10-11 November 1998, Hawaii, USA
Conference Proceedings 1999View Bibliographic Record
Urban Infrastructure Development. Proceedings of the Second International Expert Panel Meeting on Urban Infrastructure Development, 8-9 December 1997, Bangkok, Thailand
Conference Proceedings 1998View Bibliographic Record
Capacity Building for Regional Development in Cambodia. Proceedings of the Workship on Capacity Building for Regional Development in Cambodia: Legal and Planning Perspectives, 19-21 November, 1996, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Conference Proceedings 1997View Bibliographic Record
New Town Development Planning for Hoa Lac-Xuan Mai Area within the Framework of Sustainable Urban Growth in Viet Nam
Conference Proceedings 1997View Bibliographic Record
Post-Habitat II Action on International Co-operation and Partnership in the Asia-Pacific Region. Proceedings of the Fukuoka Symposium on Post Habitat II Action on International Co-operation and Partnership in the Asia-Pacific Region 20-21 February 1997, Fukuoka, Japan.
Conference Proceedings 1997View Bibliographic Record
Space Informatics for Mountain Resources Management. Proceedings of the Second Space Informatics Seminar for Sustainable Development: Mountain Resources Management. 2-6 December 1996, Kathmandu, Nepal
Conference Proceedings 1997View Bibliographic Record
Transition of Asian, African and European Economies to the Market and Socioeconomic Dislocations. Proceedings of the Workship on The Socioeconomic Problems of Transitional Economies, 30-31 July 1997, Nagoya, Japan
Conference Proceedings 1997View Bibliographic Record
Urban Infrastructure Development. Proceedings of the First International Expert Panel Meeting on Urban Infrastructure Development, 21-22 June 1996, Jakarta, Indonesia
Edited Book 1997View Bibliographic Record
Innovative Urban Community Development and Disaster Management, Proceedings of the International Conference Series on Innovative Urban Community Development and Disaster Management, Kyoto, Japan, 26 September 1995; Osaka, Japan, 27-28 September 1995; Kobe, Japan, 30 September 1995
Conference Proceedings 1996View Bibliographic Record
Space Informatics for Grassland Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Space Informatics for Sustainable Development: Grassland Monitoring and Management, Ulan Bator, Mongolia, 20-25 June 1995
Conference Proceedings 1996View Bibliographic Record
Organizational Behaviour of Transnational Corporations and Industrialization for Balanced Local and Regional Development in Selected Asian Countries. Proceedings of the Seminar on Organizational Behaviour of Transnational Corporations and Industrialization for Balanced Local and Regional Development in Selected Asian Countries. 23-26 February, 1993, Manila, Philippines
Conference Proceedings 1995View Bibliographic Record
Urban Environmental Management in Asia. Papers Contributed to the UNCRD Workshops Organized in Conjunction with the Kitakyushu Conference on Urban Environmental Management in Asia, 5-9 October 1993, Kitakyushu, Japan
Conference Proceedings 1995View Bibliographic Record
The Effects of Disasters on Modern Societies, 24 May 1994: World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction, Technical Committee Session C
Conference Proceedings 1994View Bibliographic Record
Geographic Information Systems: Present and Future. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems, Nagoya, 5-6 December 1992
Conference Proceedings 1994View Bibliographic Record
Improved Firesafety Systems in Developing Countries. 7th International Research and Training Seminar on Regional Development Planning for Disaster Prevention. 17 October 1994, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Proceedings 1994View Bibliographic Record
Toshikaihatsu koutsu to kankyou semina, senmonka semina senmonka kaigi kokusai shinpojiumu houkokusho = Urban Development, Transport, and the Environment. Proceedings of the Expert Seminar, Expert Group Meetings, and One-Day International Symposium on Urban Development, Transport, and the Environment, 4-8 June 1994, Sagamihara, Japan
Conference Proceedings 1994View Bibliographic Record
Urban Development, Transport, and the Environment. Proceedings of the Expert Seminar, Expert Group Meetings, and One-Day International Symposium on Urban Development, Transport, and the Environment, 4-8 June 1994, Sagamihara, Japan
Conference Proceedings 1994View Bibliographic Record
Disaster Management and Regional Development Planning with People's Participation. Volume II: Papers Presented at the UNCRD-CIRDAP Workshop on Integrated Approach to Disaster Management and Regional Development Planning with People's Participation, 28 January - 1 February 1990, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Conference Proceedings 1991View Bibliographic Record
Planning for Crisis Relief: Towards Comprehensive Resource Management and Planning for Natural Disaster Prevention. Papers Presented at the International Seminar, 24-28 September 1986. Vol. 1: Planning and Management for the Prevention and Mitigation from Flood and Highwind Disasters
Edited Book 1988View Bibliographic Record
Planning for Crisis Relief: Towards Comprehensive Resource Management and Planning for Natural Disaster Prevention. Papers Presented at the International Seminar, 24-28 September 1986. Vol. 2: Planning and Management for the Prevention and Mitigation from Earthquake Disasters
Edited Book 1988View Bibliographic Record
Planning for Crisis Relief: Towards Comprehensive Resource Management and Planning for Natural Disaster Prevention. Papers Presented at the International Seminar, 24-28 September 1986. Vol. 3: Planning and Management for the Prevention and Mitigation from Disasters in Metropolis
Edited Book 1988View Bibliographic Record
Planning for Crisis Relief: Towards Comprehensive Resource Management and Planning for Natural Disaster Prevention. Papers Presented at the International Seminar, 24-28 September 1986. Vol. 4: Planning and Management for the Prevention and Mitigation from Natural Disasters: Japanese Experiences
Edited Book 1988View Bibliographic Record
UNCRD Meeting Report Series
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UNCRD Proceedings Series
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