
Bibliography and Index of United Nations Centre for Regional Development Publications

Citation Miyazaki, Suguru. “Riben zheng fu de dui Hua yuan zhu ji zhi he dui Zhongguo xi bu da kai fa de zheng ce = Mechanism of Japanese Government's Aid to China and Its Policies to China's Western Development.” In Zhongguo xi bu di qu ke chi xu fa zhan yu guo ji he zuo yan tau hui lun wen ji = Proceedings of the International Workshop on Sustainable Development and International Cooperation in the Western China, 3-6 July 2000, Chengdu, China, edited by Shi Han, Gu Lin-Sheng and Li Gao, 142-143. UNCRD Textbook and Training Material Series, No. 10. Nagoya, Japan: United Nations Centre for Regional Development, 1996.


Riben zheng fu de dui Hua yuan zhu ji zhi he dui Zhongguo xi bu da kai fa de zheng ce = Mechanism of Japanese Government's Aid to China and Its Policies to China's Western Development

Year 1996
Miyazaki, Suguru
Material Type Book Chapter
Pages p. 142-143
Relationships Part of

189 p. Zhongguo xi bu di qu ke chi xu fa zhan yu guo ji he zuo yan tau hui lun wen ji = Proceedings of the International Workshop on Sustainable Development and International Cooperation in the Western China, 3-6 July 2000, Chengdu, China


Subjects CHINA 01.04.04
FOREIGN AID 01.01.01
JAPAN 01.04.04
Control No. TT 10l
