
Bibliography and Index of United Nations Centre for Regional Development Publications

Citation Suzuki, Itoko. “Training Needs for the New "Public Service".” In Research and Training on Decentralized and Developmental Governance (Combined Proceedings). Part I: Research on Metropolitan Governance. Proceedings of the Metropolitan Governance Research Partnerships Workshop, 26-27 June 1997, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Part II: Strategic Training for Decentralized and Developmental Governance. Proceesings of the UNCRD Consultative Meeting, 11-12 December 1996, Nagoya, Japan, edited by Josefa S. Edralin, 97-99. UNCRD Proceedings Series, No. 27. Nagoya, Japan: United Nations Centre for Regional Development, 1998.


Training Needs for the New "Public Service"

Year 1998
Suzuki, Itoko Officer-in-Charge, Governance and Public Administration Branch, Division of Public Administration and Development Management, Department for Development Support and Management Services, United Nations, NY, USA
Material Type Conference Paper
Features 2 notes 
Pages p. 97-99
Relationships Part of

117 p. Research and Training on Decentralized and Developmental Governance (Combined Proceedings). Part I: Research


Subjects GOVERNANCE 04.03.02
TRAINING 06.02.01
Control No. PS 27r
