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DOD Science and Technology: Strategy for the Post-Cold War Era
D 5.402:SCI 2

LC Science Tracer Bullet
LC 33.10:

Library of Congress Manuscripts: An Illustrated Guide
LC 4.8:M 31

Mathematics and Science Achievement State by State, 1998
ED 1.2:ST 2/8

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
C 51.

E 1.137/2:INTERNET

Science & Engineering Indicators
NS 1.28/2:

Science & Technology Review
E 1.53:

Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
NAS 1.9/4:

Statistical Abstract of the United States
C 3.134:[yr.]

Unlocking Our Future: Toward a New National Science Policy
Y 4.SCI 2:105-B

Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering
NS 1.49: