HE 20.3151
Career Guide to Industries
L 2.3/4-3:
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
PREX 2.20:
The Census and You
C 3.238:
Census Briefs
C 3.205/8:
Census of Agriculture (1997):Volume 1 Geographic Area Series
A 92.53/56:997
Census of Agriculture (1997):Volume 2 Subject Series
A 92.54:997/V.2/PT.-
Census of Governments (1997): Government Organization - Volume 1
C 3.145/4:
CFTC Glossary: A Layman's Guide to the Language of the Futures Industry
Y 3.C 73/5:297030164
Charting the Digital Broadcasting Future: Final Report of the Advisory Committee on
Public Interest Obligations of Digital Television Broadcasters
C 60.2:D 56
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
PREX 3.11/2:
Child Support for Custodial Mothers and Fathers
C 3.186:P-60/
Children Without Health Insurance
C 3.205/8:
Chinese Views of Future Warfare
D 5.402:C 44/2
Civilization: The Magazine of the Library of Congress
LC 1.52: Linking Patients to Medical Research
HE 20.3152:
Cloning Human Beings
PREX 1.19:98016029
Code of Federal Regulations
AE 2.106/3:[vol.]
Cold Regions Bibliography
LC 33.9:
Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Y 3.2:C 73/2/W 37
Commerce in Firearms in the United States
T 20.24:
Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels Report to the President, Congress, and the
Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
Y 3.2:D 56/R 29
Commodity Flow Survey
C 3.292:TC
Compendium of Public Employment, Volume 3, Public Employment
C 3.145/4:
Compensation and Working Conditions
L 2.44/4:
Computer Use in the United States
C 3.186:P-20/
The Condition of Education
ED 1.109:
Congressional Bills
Y 1.4/1: ; Y 1.4/6:
Congressional Committee Prints
Y 4
Congressional Hearings
Y 4
Congressional Pictorial Directory
Y 4.P 93/1:1 P/
Congressional Record
X 1.1/A:
Congressional Record Index
The Constitution of the United States
Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 14152
Copyright Basics
LC 3.4/2:1/999
Copyright Law of the United States of America
LC 3.4/2:92/996
Co-Resident Grandparents and Their Grandchildren: Grandparent Maintained
C 3.223/27:26
Country Analysis Briefs
E 3.2:C 83/
Country Commerical Guides
S 1.40/7:
Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices
Y 4.IN 8/16:C 83/
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Y 4.IN 8/16-15: (and various others)
Country Studies
D 101.22:550-
County Business Patterns
C 3.204/4:
Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools: An Action Guide
ED 1.2:98028370
Crimes Against Persons Age 65 or Older, 1992-97
J 29.2:C 86/18
Current Bibliographies in Medicine
HE 20.3615/2: