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Title Annual Survey of Communication Services
Agency Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census.
Publ. Info. Annual
SuDocs No. C 3.138/3-6:
Item 0147-B
Notes Presents the results from the Annual Survey of Communication Services. Covers at the U.S. level all employer firms with one or more establishments that are primarily engaged in providing point-to-point communication services, whether by wire or radio and whether intended to be received aurally or visually. This includes telephone communcations, including cellular and other radio telephone services; telegraph and other message communications, such as electronic mail services, facsimile transmission services, telex services, and so on; radio and television broadcasting stations and networks; cable and other pay television services; and other communication services, such as radar station operations, satellite earth stations, satellite or missile tracking stations, and so on. --Web page
Access Electronic Version http://www.census.gov/prod/www/abs/comm-ser.html 1994-1998
http://www.census.gov/ftp/pub/svsd/www/ascs.html html, pdf 1998 and related reports
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