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Virtual Reference Desk AbstractGPO Access on the WEBPurdue University has mirrored much of the content of the Government Printing Office's Web pages. From these pages the following materials may be searched: Code of Federal Regulations, Congressional Bills Database (103rd & 104th Congress), Congressional Calendars, Congressional Directory, Congressional Documents, Congressional Record, Congressional Record Index, Congressional Reports, Economic Indicators, Economic Report of the President, Government Information Locator Service (GILS), United States Government Manual, Federal Register, GAO Comptroller General Decisions, GAO 'blue book' Reports, History of Bills and Resolutions Database, House Rules, Department of the Interior - Reports of the Office of the IG, Privacy Act Issuances, Public Laws of the 104th Congress, Unified Agenda (semi-annual regulatory agenda), United States Code, and Supreme Court Decisions. Go to this Site NOWSubjects for this Item: